My Story

In September 2015, I was in a bad car accident that was not my fault. I suffered brain bleeding and brain damage, as well as spinal cord damage in my neck. Some of my injuries went misdiagnosed for 9 months and once I was properly diagnosed, the injuries were so far set in my body that I needed spinal surgery. I was severely depressed, angry at the person who hit me, sad for how I could no longer do the things I loved and were a part of my identity like surfing and snowboarding, and stressed out not being able to work and having medical bills piling up.

Feeling defeated and out of options, a friend of mine paid for me to have a reiki energy healing session, and I thought…what do I have to lose? I went in with an open mind, the reiki master removed some energy blocks and there were a few serendipitous things that happened in the session that I thought were “cool.” In the weeks following, things in my life started energetically aligning: I found a surgeon who I trusted and who said he was comfortable doing my high-risk surgery (and he was just over a mile from where I lived!), I found an insurance broker who was able to switch medical insurance partway through the year to cover this surgery, and I was sleeping better at night. I changed my diet according to how the surgeon said I could recover faster post-surgery, and when I went in for my pre-surgery MRI he was shocked and said, “You’re doing some healing on your own out of nowhere. Do you want to see how much more your body can heal without surgery?” I couldn’t believe it.

Yes, there were a number of factors involved from changing my diet (and then after that appointment seeing physical therapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, and other specialists) that attribute to my healing, BUT I can pinpoint when all of this turned around for me, and it was the reiki session. Through subsequent reiki sessions and meditation, I learned to let go of the anger and hatred I was holding onto for the person who hit me in the car accident, able to let go of sadness, resentment, and stress…and replaced those emotions with love, gratitude, happiness, and joy. To this day I have not had spinal surgery, and I’m back to doing all the things the doctors said I’d never do again, like surfing and snowboarding.

Since then, reiki has also helped me improve myself as a person and become a “better version” of myself. As a result my personal relationships are stronger, more genuine, and more meaningful, I approach my business and work with more confidence, and I’m developing a deeper and more honest relationship with myself. I’ve experienced healing in very unexpected, magical and powerful ways.

Healing is not a destination, it’s a journey…a long, winding, up-and-down series of challenges and victories. I’ve done so much healing work on myself physically, mentally, and emotionally, and I want to share that healing energy with others…I want to show you that HEALING IS POSSIBLE!