What is Reiki?

Reiki is a stress reduction and relaxation technique that promotes healing. It works with the body’s natural healing processes to develop emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. It can help people cope with difficulties, relieve emotional stress, and improve overall wellbeing. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word “Rei” which means “Universal Life” and “Ki” which means “Energy.” It is the life energy that flows through all living things. This life force flows in the body through pathways called chakras or meridians. During a reiki session, the practitioner uses different healing modalities to move energy around and balance these energy centers in the body, leaving you feeling balanced, refreshed, and light as a feather.

Who can benefit from Reiki?

Everyone can benefit from reiki, but especially if you feel bogged down with stress, or if you feel “out of balance.” Reiki doesn’t take the place of prescribed medicines but can work to enhance their healing benefits. For example, reiki works alongside chemotherapy for cancer patients, by providing stress relief and relaxation for the patient, thus decreasing pain and increasing the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Reiki can also be used in conjunction with therapy to heal emotional trauma.

If you feel something is holding you back, you’re trapped or stuck in life, like things aren’t aligning for you or you’re repeating old patterns, reiki can help to illuminate and remove blocks so you can have abundance in your life.

Physical healing—sometimes headache, fatigue, aches and pains are physical manifestations of dis-ease happening emotionally and/or energetically in our body. Through reiki we can look to see what’s causing the physical symptom and remove any blocks, so you can function at 100%.

What can I expect during a session?

Sessions generally last around an hour, and are broken down as follows: 5-10 minutes to discuss your wants and set an intention, 40-50 minutes of session work, and 5-10 minutes of wrap-up conversation and possible “homework” assignment. During the session work you just lay back, close your eyes and relax! I’ll tailor the session to your specific needs and we can either be silent through the session and discuss after, or we can talk through the session. I will place my hands on or around your body (with your permission of course), I may ask you to breathe with me, and you may hear me do some audible breathing. Sometimes I will do a guided meditation, or place crystals on or near you (crystals work with your chakras or energy centers).
See “General Reiki” for more details.

How will I feel after a session?

After you will feel noticeably lighter. You may have a surge of energy, or you may need sleep and rest. Be sure to drink plenty of water, and listen to your body. The night following reiki my clients typically report back they they have a very peaceful sleep.

Where do you offer your sessions?

ONLINE: I currently offer reiki and other healing modalities online via Zoom. Energy healing and all of my offerings work the same! I describe it as this: imagine someone who you love. You can love them even if they’re not in the same room as you at present moment, and love is just energy…so reiki works the same! Time and space are not confines of energetic healing.

IN-PERSON: My home base is SoCal, and I bounce between Venice, Los Angeles, and Dana Point/South OC. I also make rounds to my other locations around the country, such as Central FL, South NJ, and Southwest OH. If you prefer me to come to you, I also offer in-home Reiki sessions in the SoCal area, and a mini-Space Clearing is built into an in-home session.

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How does Reiki work?

When giving reiki my hands vibrate at 7khz/second, the same frequency as some medical devices. This frequency/reiki activates the physical organs and tissues as it flows through them, nourishing them on a cellular level. This promotes healthy activity physically, and this balanced energy flow promotes overall well-being. Positive thoughts increase our energy flow and raise our vibration, thus leaving us with an overall “good” feeling. On the flip side, negative thoughts and feelings disrupt our energy flow and we feel not at ease, aka “dis-ease.” Getting rid of these negative thoughts and feelings will also rid us of the physical manifestations of these negative thoughts and feelings.

What about Reiki in the medical field?

While reiki doesn’t replace medicine, reiki works in harmony with medical care and treatments. It’s even offered as part of regular patient care at over 800 hospitals in the US. Reiki decreases recovery time from surgeries, improves the mental attitude of patients, and reduces unwanted side effects of medications including chemotherapy. Reiki does not replace therapy sessions (physical or mental therapy) but works in tandem with them to facilitate the healing process.

What about Reiki and religion?

Reiki is not a religion and isn’t affiliated with religion. It is spiritual in nature, but has no dogma and does not conflict with any religious beliefs.

Have more questions?

Book a FREE 15-minute Consultation with Sara HERE!

Feeling a “nudge” to book?

See a complete list of appointment types and book your session HERE!