
Reiki is a stress-relieving technique to promote healing. Tapping into my Mediumship skills and intuition, I’ll remove any blocks in your aura and chakras. I’m basically a conductor of electricity, directing healing light and love from Universal Source Energy through my body to you.

Our energetic and physical bodies are very closely tied together. If stress and emotion aren’t properly processed, they can settle into our bodies and end up causing anything from physical discomfort and pain to dis-ease or full on disease. When removing these energetic blocks, sometimes unprocessed emotions bubble to the surface, and this is totally welcomed and quite typical! Many sessions evolve into a therapy-style session, especially as we get closer to the root problem. This is why I have a sit-down discussion at the beginning and end of the session to discuss your intention and any ailments. Sessions are always kept confidential, and Sara is certified in the HIPPA healthcare privacy standards.

Every session is unique, but usually a session involves one or more than one of the following healing modalities: removing any energetic blocks, chakra balancing, crystal therapy, & a guided meditation or visualization. Sessions start with a 5-10 minute sit-down discussion where we discuss the intention you have for the session as well as any specific ailments/imbalances you are feeling, then about 40-50 minutes of healing work, and another 5-10 minute wrap-up discussion where we talk about what came up in the session and I might give you “homework” in the form of a mantra, mediation, etc. In the sit-down discussion we have at the beginning of the session you can specify if you would like one of these specifically, or we can let intuition guide the session.

To reserve, click the link below!

• Dana Point, Laguna Beach, OC County
• Venice, Santa Monica,* Los Angeles
• Anywhere in the world (Online via Zoom)

*NEW OFFICE NOW OPEN in Santa Monica, CA

Not sure if a Reiki session is right for you?
Book a FREE 15 minute consultation with Sara!